Level: Grades 9-12
This course is designed to promote enjoyment and appreciation for all aspects of theatre. Students explore various performance, technical, and administrative aspects of theatre. Students learn about basic characterization through physical activity, reading selected theatre literature, reading and writing theatrical reviews, and analysis of such tools as scripts, costuming, and theatrical makeup. Public performances may serve as a resource for specific instructional goals.
Level: Grades 10-12
This course is designed for students with a year of experience or more, and promotes enjoyment and appreciation for all aspects of theatre through opportunities to build significantly on existing skills. Classwork focuses on characterization, playwriting, and playwrights’ contributions to theatre; while improvisation, creative dramatics, and scene work are used to help students challenge and strengthen their acting skills and explore the technical aspect of scene work.
Level: Grades 11-12
This course is designed for students with significant experience in theatre, and promotes depth of engagement and lifelong appreciation for theatre through a broad spectrum of teacher-assigned and self-directed study and performance. Students regularly reflect on aesthetics and issues related to and addressed through theatre, and create within various aspects of theatre in ways that are progressively more innovative. In keeping with the rigor expected in an accelerated setting, students assemble a portfolio that showcases a significant body of work representing personal vision and artistic growth over time; mastery of theatre skills and techniques in one or more areas; and evidence of significant oral and written analytical and problem-solving skills based on their structural, historical, and cultural knowledge.