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Apply to BSI

Students who wish to take part in this program will need to apply and be accepted into the program.

To apply, you must provide the following:

  • Application (no fees)
    • 2 essay prompts
    • 2 teacher recommendations - if homeschooled, obtain from non-family members in the community 
    • GPA - 3.0 or higher in math and science
    • ACT, iReady, ISEE, PSAT, MAP, or other standardized test scores of 50th percentile or higher in math and science.  

The following is used to determine acceptance into the program:

  • 2 Essays
  • Report cards grades in math and science
  • Attendance  
  • Test scores in math and science
  • 2 Teacher recommendations

All qualified students will have to take the BSI pre-requisite course as an elective as a freshman if class size permits.

For inquiries about the program, contact BSI Coordinator Laura Barker at

*Note: Applicants must sign into a Google account to submit application. Please note file size limits on submissions.


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Laura Barker

Secondary Science Teacher, Head of BSI